About Us
Over 20 years of Experience
Stephen Chinnery leads a team of highly experienced insolvency lawyers dealing with all aspects of directors disqualification issues. Stephen is a qualified solicitor-advocate which means that he is able to act in all aspects of your case including conducting any trial presentation before the High Court. This can often mean significant costs savings because it may not be necessary to instruct a barrister.
There are a number of ways a disqualification order may come about but the overwhelming majority of cases involve an investigation being undertaken by the Insolvency Service following the insolvent liquidation of a company with a view to obtaining an order under section 6 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986.
Stephen Chinnery is an experienced trial lawyer: he has years of experience of contesting cases in the High Court against government departments including the Insolvency Service.
Stephen and his team have dealt with insolvency procedures of all types including every aspect of directors disqualification law.
How we can help
Our team of specialist disqualification solicitors will be able to advise you about the following:
The Team
Your directors disqualification matter will be dealt with by Stephen Chinnery leading a team of specialist insolvency and director disqualification lawyers.

Ann-Marie Chinnery is an expert in insolvency disputes.
Ann-Marie has more than 10 years post qualification experience of all insolvency disputes and has years of experience of dealing with directors disqualification cases.
Ann-Marie supports Stephen in all of his cases and will be involved in the preparation of your directors disqualification dispute as a support to Stephen.
Specialist Barristers. In complex and high value litigation Stephen and his Team may consult outside Counsel: in those circumstances it may be appropriate to consult with specialist insolvency barristers including Queens Counsel. For most director disqualification disputes that will not be necessary but if your case does need outside Counsel to assist we will talk to you about that.